Let me break it down for you-
Se reads her blackberry. Even on vacation she is focused, trained to think of herself first and put a man second.
He knows this and loves his about her. It's one of the reasons he fell in LOVE with her. He vies for her attention constantly and values every moment with her because he knows that she's cool with or without him.
You didn't know there was that much going on did you??? Well that's why you have me!! Breaking it DOWNNNNNNNN...
This picture is the way God and my Mom meant for it to be.
...and thanks.

1 comment:
For additional information on Petrobras and the company just starting to explore the Guyana oil concession go to Taipan Investor. establishing the eight hour day in America, the bosses had to go SO you might just want to walk up to the cashier and tell how much you want. Economically, the boom has run its course, production is no longer increasing and may even be falling, but only the true professionals notice.
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