Not that it mattered, but the NY Times gave it a great review!
Footloose is one of my favorite musicals... I am not picky!
Usher loses all brownie points for this one. This is one of the craziest recordings of the year. We can’t believe “Ush” would make a 911 call over a car being vandalized by his B.M., Crazy Tameka
Please pop the top and listen to Usher’s actual 911 call from last month
Why would you call 911 the day AFTER your car was vandalized? SMH.
Rolling Stone's July 10-24, 2008, cover — which featured then-Presidential-candidate Barack Obama, was named "Cover of the Year" in the American Society of Magazine Editors' Best Cover Contest Wednesday.
Winners in ten categories — ranging from Most Delicious Magazine Cover to Sexiest Magazine Cover to Best Obama Cover — were eligible for an online vote to determine "Cover of the Year."
See those category winners below, and vote for the cover you would select as 'Cover of the Year.'
Visit the Best Cover Gallery at www.magazine.org/bestcover to view all the entries, finalists, winners and to read the stories behind the covers.
On Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize:
'I wish he would just punch somebody in the face. You can't finesse a bull. Some people you just gotta punch in the face. That's all they know....I love Obama. You see how cool he is? Ain't no other countries gonna mess with us. You see the way he gets off of Air Force One?...He kicks that leg just like Richard Roundtree.'
On staying sober for the past year and a half:
'I was going through what Kanye West was going through. I wasn't dealing with things and it started to manifest itself in my drinking. I wasn't dealing with my marriage that was falling apart, I wasn't dealing with survivor guilt...so I would drink just to numb the pain.'
On fathering one of the Obama girls:
'Someone needs to do Sasha's hair. That little girl needs her hair done. Michelle knows, me and her had something going on back in the day. One of those little girls is biologically mine.'
You can read the Time 10 interview here.
New digital Bible could hasten decline of bound Scriptures.
The results are less exciting when Maury Povich isn't the one dispensing the news, but we bet Keanu Reeves doesn't mind.
A DNA test proved that Keanu was not the father of any of a dumb Canadian woman's kids. Karen Sala claimed that Keanu sperminated her for at least of her four grown-up children, but Keanu protested that he never even met the woman, much less get busy with her business.
It's a good thing that he isn't the father - she was looking for a HUGE payout for some very late child and spousal support -$150,000 a month in child support, backdated to 1988, and $3 million a month in spousal support.
You do the math on that one.
Congrats Keanu! You are NOT the father!
[Image via WENN.]
Report on Critical of Scope of Immigration Detention
NY Times
Published: October 6, 2009
A report on immigration detention released Tuesday by the Obama administration paints a picture of a costly, inappropriately penal system that is growing without basic tools for management and monitoring, while the government office nominally in charge struggles with high turnover and a lack of expertise.
Though the administration has indicated that it wants to concentrate immigration enforcement on serious criminal offenders, the report shows that one of the largest and fastest-growing segments of the population in detention is noncriminals picked up in the enforcement programs the government has embraced.
Story continued here